
North Estonia

Nöösker meadery tour with mead tasting

We are a meadery, and each drink tells a story of curiosity and creativity; each sip is a tribute to the nature and flavors of our homeland. And, of course, to the invaluable contribution of bees because without them, there would be no mead.

Nöösker is Estonia's first modern meadery. We break tradition, combining the wisdom of beer and wine masters in a new way. At the heart of our meads are Estonian honey, berries, fruits, and more exotic spices. Come and discover this restless animal — Nöösker.

Bring your companions for a visit (by reservation!), and we will introduce you to the world of mead for an hour and a half.


North Estonia

Opening times

An advanced bookings only


Järva-Jaani mnt 14, Roosna-Alliku alevik, Paide linn, Järva maakond