Iisaku vaatetornSource: Hetkeline, Toolbox

Highest viewing platforms in Estonia

Getting to the top of the tower means getting to see a spectacular view and these towers won't let you down. Each of them is at least 20 meters up!

Observation tower on Suur Munamägi

Nature Sites

Observation tower on Suur Munamägi in temporarily opened. Suur Munamägi, 318 metres from the sea level, is the highest point of the Baltics. The...

Observation tower on Suur Munamägi

Source: Martin Mark

Harimägi and Harimäe Observation Tower

Nature Sites

Harimägi is one of the largest mesas in the Otepää Uplands (211 m above sea level). It is worth coming to Harimäe whenever you are near Otepää. The...

Harimägi and Harimäe observation tower

Source: Otepää Turismiinfokeskus, Külliki Pikk

Tallinn TV Tower's observation deck

Architecture and history

Welcome to the Tallinn TV Towers observation deck! At a height of 170 metres, you will be treated to one of the most magnificent views of the...

Tallinn TV Tower

Source: Tallinna Teletorn / Triin Musting

St. Olav’s Church and viewing platform

Architecture and history

The gothic steeple of this church, which was completed in the early 16th century, previously made the church one of the tallest buildings in the...

St. Olav’s Church and viewing platform

Source: Kadi-Liis Koppel, Tallinna Ettevõtlusameti turismiosakond

Iisaku hill nature reserve and viewing tower

Nature Sites

Tärivere hill – the highest natural point in Ida-Viru County – is home to the Iisaku viewing tower, which is 28 metres high. Situated 122 metres...

Source: Hetkeline, VisitEstonia Toolbox

Rõuge watchtower "Pesapuu"

Nature Sites

The Pesapuu watchtower is 30 meters high (the top observation platform is 27 meters from the ground) and it resembles a tree with two bird nests. The...

Rõuge watchtower "Pesapuu"

Source: Martin Mark

Tellingumäe observation tower and recreational area

Nature Sites

Tellingumäes 25-meter-high observation tower offers a beautiful view of the winding Mustjõgi gorges and the hilly landscape typical of South Estonia....

Tellingumäe observation tower

Source: Valgamaa Arenguagentuur, Sven Zacek

Valgehobusemägi observation tower

Nature Sites

The observation tower is located at Valgehobusemägi, Mägede village, Järva County, next to the local ski and recreation centre. The tower is 25...

Source: Kalju Kertsmik

Emumägi hill and observation tower

Nature Sites

Emumägi hill is the highest point in the Pandivere uplands and northern Estonia. There is a 21.5-metre wooden observation tower on Emumägi hill. In...

Source: Taavi Luik

Viewing platform at Tehvandi's ski jumping hill

Nature Sites

The viewing platform at Tehvandis ski jumping hill is a unique attraction. From a height of 34 meters, watch ski jumpers training or competing or...

Viewing platform at Tehvandi K90 ski jumping hill

Source: Tehvandi Spordikeskus